vendredi 30 octobre 2015

Amanda Lear donne la preuve en Direct !

Amanda Lear gives proof Live !
  October 29, Amanda Lear in Guest to the collection "" Exemplaire "" 
         New clothing store in Paris . . . . To all Guests, She signed with his Hand the name  DALI ! His great love as in the days when she herself painted his paintigs ....

Amanda Lear donne la preuve en direct à l'occasion de l'ouverture de la nouvelle boutique "" Exemplaire ""
Elle signe de sa main le nom de Dali, son grand amour comme à l'époque, quand avec lui, elle peignait ses tableaux ....


dimanche 25 octobre 2015

Amanda Lear: «Io, David Bowie, Dalì. E Berlusconi»

In occasione del nuovo disco di De Rubertis, che ne ha fatto un duetto con Amanda Lear, lei racconta la sua vita d'artista: gli incontri, e talvolta gli scontri, con Dalí, Jean Paul Gaultier e Andy Warhol.

Direct Link to IO







Amanda Lear Officiel "" CANDIDATE 2017 ""

 Cécile Bourquigny ( Amanda Lear ) sera Ministre de la Jeunesse et des Sports . . . Le petit jardinier va être son directeur de campagne pour l'emmener à la Présidence de la République 

For the Facebook Officiel ..... Click On the Name
Répétition for the Fan's like Me
So ! So
Merci aux auteurs d'avoir posés ces photos privées pour notre information.


jeudi 15 octobre 2015

Amanda Lear & Gian Luca De Rubertis ... MAI PIU ....

Amanda Lear & Gian Luca De Rubertis

Click on the vidéo to See The Stupend Mai Piu ...


                           You want also to sing the song with Amanda and Gian Luca ???  


mercredi 7 octobre 2015

Amanda Lear ! Now is time to buy the New song ....

Please .... Click on this link to buy the CD from "" The Funambules ""
  Amanda Lear sing for you "" La Rumeur "".....

                                      LA RUMEUR THE SONG FROM AMANDA



 Amanda Lear is a glamour incarnate. Launching a career as a model, a painter, TV host and actor, and with a list of lovers each one more famous than the last over the cult club years of the 1960s and 1970s, her life embodies a prestigious cultural heritage. As we reach her in Provence, Lear is juggling between her show in Venice in time for the Biennale, a TV show in Rome, finishing a theatre tour and a dash to the couture shows in Paris. Now, Amanda Lear is to be immortalized on the silver screen, as her autobiography My life with Dalì is made into a feature film, with Antonio Banderas and Johnny Depp reportedly battling to play the surrealist master, Salvador.

The question is – who will play Miss Lear ?

So we understand you were travelling last week…
It’s been hectic. I had to go to Rome where I did an eight-week TV show. Now it’s time for a bit of a rest. Where I live in Aix is full of festivals. My story here all started about 30 years ago… Like everybody else I was in Saint Tropez. Brigitte Bardot tried to sell me her house and all summer we discussed the price. She’s a tough cookie. Eventually, when I finally agreed on a price, I arrived with a certified cheque from the bank. I said: “ Alright, where do I sign?”. She said: “Oh, I changed my mind.” “What do you mean, you’ve changed your mind?” I’m sorry, but I almost slapped her face. Everyone in Saint Tropez told me “Oh she does it every year, she did it to Charlotte Rampling, she did it to Romy Schneider . She just wanted to meet you!” So I was really disappointed and I drove back to Paris. On the way I stopped near Avignon in Provence and I fell in love. That it was: I decided this is where I want to live, paint and die.

 What’ s your show in Venice

It’s an exhibition of work I’ve been doing here for the last five or six years. I paint lots of flowers, but I go through different periods. When I was friends with Salvador Dalì, I was obviously very influenced by him and I started doing really bad pseudo-surrealistic painting à la Dalì. It was absolutely atrocious. Painting is like a therapy. I need to paint: it’s a necessity. Some people take drugs, people drink, or knit sweaters. Instead going to psychiatrist, I just paint.

How did Dalì influence your career ?

When I first met (him), it was such a shock, because I didn’t like Dalì in the first place, I like Picasso. I was a model at the time for Paco Rabanne in Paris and Ossie Clark and Mary Quant in London. I was introduced to him as a model and I said:”I’m actually doing art school. I want to be a painter. We’re like colleagues.” What had I said?! My dear colleague? He looked at me and said “What? A woman who paints? Oh no! Please! A woman cannot paint. It’s a man’s thing: there has never been a woman painter.” So, that was very bad start our relationship. As I said, I didn’t like him at all. Then he proved to be a wonderful man later on. I didn’t like his painting, but as a man he was a most amazing person. I stayed with him for over 16 years. It was a great, great affair. One day, finally, he looked at my painting and said “You know, it’s not bad ! For a woman.”

A great compliment! You’ve been juggling a few project, like you said: you’ve been doing acting, art…
Have you still been doing music ?

 I’ve always combined all of them. I started being a model; then slowly I went onto music thanks first to Brian Ferry, who put me on a Roxy Music cover, then with David Bowie, and we had this two years love affair. He was the first one to send me to singing classes… the first one that believed I could be something else than just a model. It’s frustrating when you are like me, when you’re full of energy, and they just tell you to sit still and shut up. David was the first one to understand it. His manager, Tony DeFries, put me under contract and that was it. The first single came out of this production. I’m in the recording studio this summer doing a new album, which will feature some covers. The direction is more jazzy – Dinah Washington , Mad about the boy sort of thing.
You’ve not abandoned fashion completely – you made a catwalk comeback with Gaultier in 2012…
John Paul’s show was supposed to be a tribute to disco. He wanted a disco star to open and close the show. Donna Summers being dead and Gloria Gaynor too fat for the dress, it was me.

Will there be more fashion to come ?

 I don’t’ know, we’ll see darling.
You’ve got a very strict and disciplined lifestyle – no alcohol or drugs. It that what’s kept you looking great all this time?
It’s all in your head. I never, ever think about my age. I haven’t celebrated my birthday for 20 years. I think once you get married, you just get fat and that’s it. Also, men who are attracted to me are young men. I find that very peculiar because they are the ones who makes the first steps. I say “why don’t you go to a girl your age?” and they reply: “They have nothing to say, I like to hear your stories.” Not to mention the fact that I take them to good restaurants.

And you pay for it all ?

 Of course! Why not ? I am not ashamed. All I get is: “Oh come on, this boy… you are twice his age, or even more!” I mean of course he doesn’t love me. My last boyfriend was this gorgeous Italian model, beautiful big blue-eyed, beauty. He finally betrayed me with a weather girl. You know, the weather girls are real sluts. I dropped him on the spot; that was it. He goes his way – gets a proper family, gets married, makes children, gets boring and fat. I’ll have fun and you won’t.
You’ve always kind of balanced your media exposure and kept a certain mystery.

What do journalists represent you ?

A nuisance! (Laughs) But if you want publicity, if you want the whole world to be aware of your existence, you have to provoke. I started this 40 years ago and it was something new, because then a girl singer had to be nice, quiet and pretty. My attitude all came with Roxy Music, the black leather, the stiletto heels and chains and ambiguity…”She’s going to bed with David Bowie! Is he gay?” They kept writing pages and pages about me. Then came the Playboy cover, completely naked. Well, if she is in Playboy, she’s definitely a girl! All this was always in my favour, because the more they talk about you, the more I sell records, the more I’m successful, the more I’m interesting, and I’m still here.

 There are lots of people now that have kind of copied what you’ve done. Is that a compliment ?

 If it was bad, no one would copy it. I’ve seen Madonna with her hair exactly like me, wearing the same leather jacket. It meant that I was on the right path. Madonna is still walking around at her age in ridiculous fishnet stockings and showing her body – it is not necessary. I think it’s a mistake. She even bought herself a set of cheekbones to look like me. Apparently she went to the doctor with a photo of me and said:”I want cheekbones like this.” (laughs)

 What would you like your cultural legacy to be ?

This very famous Italian art critic recently introduced me as a work of art. I really cannot imagine myself, me, as an achievement. I’m still waiting to make something better.

So there are still more projects to come ?

 Many, many, many. I still want to do Tennessee Williams, musicals… and I know I probably won’t do it all, but it keeps me dreaming and busy. I might even meet Mr. Right along the way.

 Another Italian stallion ?

Who knows? As long as he doesn’t play golf !

Thank's to Facebook Fan's  AMANDA LEAR QUEEN FOREVER .....

vendredi 2 octobre 2015

Amanda Lear " Je ne chante maintenant que L'Amour "

Amanda Lear addio a trasgressione e ambiguità: "Ora canto un amore finito"

La vera trasgressione oggi per Amanda Lear è la fedeltà. Sposarsi, fare figli, stare insieme. Perché lei, che ha sempre giocato sull'ambiguità sessuale, ne ha viste e sentite di tutti colori. Ma gli uomini della sua età, che non svela, la annoiano e non riesce a frequentare ragazzi sopra i trent'anni. A Tgcom24 la musa - ma guai a chiamarla così - di Dalì, Bowie e Warhol racconta la nuova avventura musicale e non risparmia critiche alla tv italiana.

Da sette anni è impegnata a teatro a Parigi ma tra una pausa in tv e una sfilata di moda, Amanda trova il tempo di tornare alla musica. A coinvolgerla nel nuovo progetto è il cantautore Gianluca De Rubertis che l'ha voluta nel singolo "Mai Più" dell'album "L'universo elegante" che uscirà il 13 ottobre. Il brano parla di una storia che finisce: "Ho paura dell'amore, troppa sofferenza", racconta la Lear. "Tra me e Amanda c'è una vicinanza intellettuale, il brano parla di un filo che si spezza, una storia d'amore importante e viscerale che lascia dentro qualcosa che non finisce mai anche se si interrompe e non torna più", sottolinea De Rubertis.

Amanda come ha fatto Gianluca a convincerti?

Mi ha coperto di regali (ride, ndr). La verità è che mi ha mandato il pezzo che ha scritto e mi è piaciuto il progetto, ho sentito una bella canzone (la canticchia, ndr) e ho detto 'mica male'.

Quanto è importante per te l'amore?

E' l'unico motivo per cui andiamo avanti. Amo i miei gatti, amo quel ragazzo che sta entrando in questo momento in hotel (giovane e muscolosissimo, ndr), io amo. E' una emozione positiva l'amore.

Sei innamorata?

No, o forse sì. Per me è come quando stai per vomitare, hai una sensazione di nausea e non sai se stai per rimettere o se ti stai innamorando. E' una sensazione e una sofferenza continua e non voglio che mi succeda più. Anche se è difficile resistere...

Tornando alla musica, quando il prossimo album?

Da sette anni sono a teatro a Parigi, mi piace questa svolta, esprimermi recitando. Ma non ho mollato la musica. Sto lavorando a un album che uscirà a gennaio. Ho cercato di fare un disco per ricordare la mia carriera, con tutti i brani famosi e cover di gente che adoro come Tony Bennett ma ho anche scritto tanti pezzi nuovi. C'è anche una sorpresa, ho avuto l'audacia di riprendere i Village People... Sono amica del cowboy, Randy Jones, pensa che mi voleva sposare, ma ormai è troppo vecchio... Ho rifatto Macho Man...

La tv italiana ti piace?

Torno ogni tanto ed è deludente, non sapete sfruttare i personaggi. In Italia urlano e non danno spazio e poi c'è troppa cronaca nera, la tv si sta sostituendo ai tribunali. Sempre di più la star dello show è il presentatore, negli anni invece ho imparato che è più importante il contrario. Guardo solo le fiction italiane, quelle con i costumi d'epoca.

Cosa è per te oggi la trasgressione?

Andare in chiesa, sposarsi, fare figli. Una volta era la sessualità, ma la bisessualità ad esempio ormai non sorprende più nessuno. Oggi essere fedeli è trasgressivo.

Tu sei fedele?

No, assolutamente no. Non sono politicamente corretta.

Hai giocato spesso con l'ambiguità sessuale, è stato controproducente?

Ma no, pensa se oggi tutti si ricordassero di me solo come cantante o attrice.... In Italia piace tanto la cronaca rosa, anche se la gente non ne può più dopo 40 anni di questa storia, uomo o donna...

Cos'è la bellezza?

Basta non pensarci troppo. Io non mi piaccio e non mi sono mai piaciuta. Penso a Virna Lisi o Anna Magnani, bellissime e con le rughe. Cominci a stare bene quando ti accetti. E' un lavoro lungo ma sono sulla buona strada, sono ben consapevole del fatto che al cinema non mi proporranno più la parte di Giulietta ma magari quella della serva, c'è sempre una tardona che si innamora di un giovane...

Un ricordo del passato che ti piace?

La primissima tournée italiana, ho lavorato in postacci abominevoli, ma ho anche cantato a Taormina al teatro antico e a Capri... ero innamorata dei miei ballerini che mettevo sul palco con il culo scoperto... e loro si lamentavano sempre (ride, ndr).

Perché ti fidanzi sempre con ragazzi più giovani?

Mi annoio con gli uomini della mia età. Ho una regola: a tavola, come a letto, mai con ragazzi sopra i trent'anni.

Sei stata la musa di Salvador Dalì, David Bowie, Andy Warhol, come li hai conosciuti?

Dalì mi ha conosciuta alla scuola d'arte, appena ha visto le cose che dipingevo mi ha detto che era tutto il contrario di quello che dovrebbe fare un pittore. Era pazzesco, in pubblico recitava una parte. Era Dalì, in privato era Salvador, dolcissimo e fragile. Il nostro è stato un amore platonico. Bowie invece si è innamorato di una fotografia, mi ha visto in una foto e ha fatto di tutto per conoscermi, mi ha chiamato alle 2 di notte. Ma essere considerata una fotografia, così come una icona a me non mi piace. Io sono io, parlo, mi muovo. Eccome...

Oggi sei corteggiatissima dagli stilisti...

Jean Paul Gaultier mi ha voluta in una sua sfilata due anni fae siamo molto amici, Din e Dan di Dsquared mi corteggiano, Fausto Puglisi è pazzo di me, Riccardo Tisci idem. Ma Elio Fiorucci è stato il primo che mi ha fatto venire in Italia. Per me gli stilisti oggi sono i veri artisti, per come creano, per come vestono le donne. Come me.

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jeudi 1 octobre 2015

Who is Afraid about Amanda Lear !!! Wer hat angst vor Amanda Lear ......

Vous le savez depuis 2010, j'ai essayé de parler de tout les sujets sur la Star Amanda Lear !
Vous avez sur le blog, en haut à gauche, un petit rectangle ou vous pouvez chercher un article que j'aurais rédigé et que vous avez manqué.
Vous écrivez dans le moteur de recherche le nom d'un artiste, un présentateur, un photographe, un créateur, et vous allez avoir les pages qui vont sortir avec les liens des articles publiés.
Il va de soi qu'avec plus de cinq années d'articles, tout ce que j'ai pu trouver sur internet, vrai ou faux est maintenant sur le blog.
Amanda Lear est un mystère et tout ce qui tourne autour aussi ......
On ne s'en lasse pas ou pourrait même l'assimiler à la Belle Mère de Blanche Neige....
Cela m'a terriblement plu de chercher, découvrir, imaginer, trouver, écrire et publier sur le blog.....

Comme si vous étiez dans un parc d'attraction, chez Disney, essayez de lire entre les lignes, de trouver peut être un peu de vérité ou alors de l'imagination de la Star....

Vous avez aussi à chaque article paru sur le blog, toutes les photos que vous pouvez trouver sur internet ! Elles sont toutes dans leurs couleurs d'origines et pas retravaillées, car c'est l'unique possibilité pour pouvoir les diffusées sur les blog privés ....

Allez y, cherchez, fouillez, lisez et vous trouverez peut être le secret de la merveilleuse histoire d'une Star qui s'appelle Amanda Lear

You know that since 2010, I tried to talk about all the subjects on the Star Amanda Lear !
You can see on the blog, top left, a small rectangle or you can find an article I'd written and that you missed

You write in the name of an artist, a presenter, photographer, designer, and you'll have the pages that links come out with articles
It goes without saying that with more than five years of articles, I published the blog, all I could find on the internet
You know Amanda Lear is a mystery and everything that revolves around too
This pleased me terribly to search, discover, imagine, find, write

Then as if you were in a theme park like Disney, trying to read between the lines, to find can be a little truth or else the imagination of Star ....

You also have every article on the blog, the pictures you can find on the web ! They are all in their original colors and not reworked, because this is the only possibility to be able to broadcast on private blog
Go ahead, look, search, read and you can find the secret of the wonderful story of a Star called Amanda Lear ......